I am a computer scientist and a Reader (associate professor) at the Department of Computing of Imperial College London, where I lead the Veritas Lab.
I am also the co-director of the UK Research Institute on Verified, Trustworthy Software Systems.
As of October 2021, I am a UKRI Future Leader Fellow.
Between September 2020 and July 2022 I was additionally a consulting research scientist at Facebook, London. As of September 2022, I am also a research consultant at Bloomberg.
My research is in the area of programming languages and verification, spanning several topics including non-volatile memory, persistency semantics, weak memory models, stateless model checking, program logics and bug detection tools and techniques.
I am always eager to supervise enthusiastic candidates for PhD and Masters positions. If you are interested in programming languages theory, concurrency and formal methods, then get in touch with me!
You can contact me on MyFirstName@imperial.ac.uk.
For a list of my publications see here, Google Scholar or DBLP.
You can access my curriculum vitae here.